Daisho con 2014
Where are you staying?
What day are you getting there?
How are you traveling?
taking my car with Irves =3
Who will you be rooming with?
If I stay more then friday I will be rooming with my best friend ashley I am sure.
How is the best way to find you?
Twitter @Aikacooncat
Are there any panels you might be attending?
most likely no but sometimes I pop into things that look interesting~
What do you look like?

Will you be suiting?
not this con sadly not enough time. I will be tailing it though!
Do you do free art?
no, commission only
Do you do trades?
sometimes, ask me
How tall are you?
5' 3"
Can I talk to you?
of course! :D
Can I touch you?
umm.. ? hugs are good.
Can I visit your room?
I don't have a room lol
Can I buy you drinks?
Non alcoholic
Can I give you stuff?
Yes~ I love stuff lol
Can I hug or snuggle with you?
hug yes snuggle, only few people. you know who you are.
Are you nice?
yes but very energetic =3
Do you have an artist table?
not this con
Will you be going to parties?
only if invited
Will you be performing?
If I see you, how should I get your attention?
yell Aika, I will pay attention then~
Where will you be most of the time during the day/s?
wondering the halls
What/where will you be eating?
maybe dennys or at the kalahari
Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?
only if I invite you
Can I look in your sketchbook?
sure =3
Can I draw in your sketchbook?
no thank you.
Can I take your picture?
of course! :D
What's your goal for this convention?
To enjoy my one day with friends and buy stickers! =3
Hope to see you there! ^-^
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