Monday, December 7, 2015

Closing Ceremonies: Charity Moment

This is the reason I am so PROUD to be apart of the furry community.

We had the wonderful team down here at Midwest Furfest this weekend.

Let me just say I have never cried this much at the closing ceremony at a convention in my life! And this is a good thing because..

At this convention we raised $40k for our amazing charity.

BUT, that is not all!
We raised a bit at closing while auctioning off a raccoon piñata, just $400 short of $60,000!

Then this amazing thing happened that made everyone here cry sweet tears for support and happiness, because, hearing  Save a vet was $400 shy of $60k almost half the convention came up to the stage and put cash on the stage to give to the charity!

This amount of cash given to them made another $2,000! Making the total amount given to Save a Vet an amazing $62,000!!!
Thank you all so much for the support, our community is so amazing! 

And,, Thank you for making this the best convention I have ever gone to! See you next year Rosemont, IL!

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